Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Call of Consistency

Although only the dead can be consistent in any case, once Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe said, woman is just looking for a consistent man. Let's agree though for this point: people need consistency in their lives, however. At least, some of us want things to work the same way every time they happen. When we wake up in the morning we want to find the floor under our feet, the sun above our heads, and coffee in our cups. And just as we expect these kinds of physical consistency, we also expect psychological consistency. If we had marriages, families, and jobs yesterday, we expect to find them today in pretty much the same condition.

With that, I plan to be consistence, at least in sharing things with you all. Right, was for sometimes neglecting you, I know. However, it is hard to say it would be daily, but at least I will start it. So ... here I am.

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