Sunday, August 03, 2008

ARIS is Indonesian Idol 2008

So world, we have the result for Indonesian Idol 2008. As many predicted since the first day audition, well ... audition screening to be precise for us spectators, Januarisman Runtuwene is The Idol 2008. You might heard that he was a 'street singer', and gain the rough but powerful vocal character thru singing in the regional train (KRL). Right before the winning moment on the result's show (Saturday evening), his mother wished him to be humble and to keep on praying, as her mother notice that he was forgotten that. While on his personal gratitude he thanks his wife and daughter for support.

He has the vocal to be admitted. But some are complaining that he has no attitude, even gratitude. It turned out when he visited several media socializing and promoting the event. He was not respecting people, and so difficult to manage. Even some of his supporters do not like his overall look. One of the consideration is that he will also perform in the coming Asian Idol, where vocal is not the first to be judged. Perhaps as he win the game, several grooming session and treatment to shape him up will follow. Will he also be equipped and improved with the winner personal character? Hopefully. Life will never be the same for him. Kudos, Aris!

{A clip from the third performance on final, this is the same song that could made Titi DJ, the jury, to drop some tears on his audition. More of his performances to download, here}

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