Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Coming Soon, New President Is About To Revealed

Just another fun while the world waits for the result to be revealed. Who will be the president? Not Paris for sure. Otherwise the world would turn pink(ish).

But first things first. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to pick out a vice- president... I'm thinking [the singer-songwriter] Rihanna." Only then does she sign off. "I'll see you at the White House. Oh, and I might paint it pink. I hope that's cool with you guys."

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die


Mama Mima said...

haha i don't mind a pink(ish) world.. it's the prettiest colour and i'm a pretty girl.. cucok kan nek?

Mama Mima said...

i don't mind pink(ish) world.. :D hidup Paris!!

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