Sunday, June 29, 2008

Midnight Shopping

Did you all had fun on midnight shopping last Friday? It was two night before it is officially launched by the newest the city's governor, but it did a real sensation. I was finally reaching Plaza Indonesia at 10pm, and you bet, it was quite a queue to get a parking space.

The promise of sales discounts of up to 90% in 180 participants shops only at the plaza seems well anticipated since it turned out to gather the most number of drooling shoppers from all corners of the city, I guess. They were checking out the galore of bargains at the special extended hours shopping. I thought that was another rise of Ayat-ayat Cinta, seeing those queue in front of several cashiers in Debenhams. And Gucci, who is across the brand new Louboutin, gaining another crowds after the sale couples week ago.

The scene with a numbers of content faces was a real madness fun. But some found it as a too crowded atmosphere, yet killing the mood to shop around. In fact, not all of the crowds getting down to shop though. Numerous people were passing and not buying a single thing, just people-watching. No reports of crime's act though. I didn't buy that every-ones-favorites-pillow that evening, at least. And the Jakarta Great Sale Festival will still going on at majors shopping center till 27 July 2008. Continue >>

Yang Menyegarkan

Tinggal di negara tropis, bukannya tidak mungkin berharap bagai berlibur di St Tropez. Tentu saja maksudnya tentang bagaimana menikmati waktu layaknya di tempat liburan. Lebih tepatnya lagi, tentang menikmati minuman-minuman segar bersahabat di pinggir jalanannya. Karena tak selamanya iklan penawar dahaga harus sukses membujuk selera minuman kita 'kan?


Ada saja memang tempat minum yang menyenangkan di Jakarta yang bisa dikunjungi di akhir pekan. Memang, tempat begini kebanyakan identik sebagai pangkalan dugem. Yang justru membuat enggan adalah asap rokoknya, penggerebegan (ada ga sih resminya kata ini?) dan belakangan tempat begini juga banyak copet (bukan salah Stadium dan Dragonfly loh, kalo kecopetan). Belum lagi karena popularitas dan akhir pekan, tempat-tempat begini jadi terasa padat. Ada saja memang yang menikmati kepadatan back to back seperti ini.

Teringat suatu masa dulu, saya gemar menikmati minuman rendaman daun mint a.k.a Mojito di Zebra. Koktil tradisional Kuba ini berbahan dasar spearmint, rum, gula (traditionally sugarcane juice), lime, dan carbonated water. Anda pun bisa membuatnya, kalau mau. Atau, mungkin lebih gampang menikmati es strawberry-mangga (mangga original ya, bukan sekadar 3D!), seperti yang ada di Amei - MKG3. Minuman seharga Rp 25ribu ini memang memanjakan mata dan kerongkongan. Jangan lupa pesan tanpa gula, atau dengan gula minimal. Buah-buahannya begitu manis, dan esnya terasa sungguh lembut. Cicipi saja.

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Generasi Penerus Si Unyil

Berkunjung ke rumah kreatif biasanya mengundang kekaguman tersendiri. Seperti misalnya Kamis kemarin saat mengunjungi studio produksi The Happy Holy Kids (HHK), di kawasan BSD. Di sini diproduksi acara hiburan anak-anak yang ditayangkan di hampir seluruh TV lokal di Indonesia berjudul The Happy Holy Kids. Mengutip direktur HHK, Ir Jarot Wijanarko, "Diharapkan program tayangan ini bisa menjawab kebutuhan tayangan anak-anak yang menghibur dan mendidik. Kita ingin memiliki generasi yang cerdas, ceria, dan berakhlak."

Mereka menulis cerita, membuat tayangan panggung boneka, dan mengerjakan lagu-lagu penyerta sendiri. Setidaknya 100 episode sudah dihasilkan. Acungan jempol pantas diberikan, mengingat ini merupakan kebangkitan kusuma bangsa untuk tak hanya memrotes tayangan TV yang banyak dianggap tidak mendidik. Inilah produksi lokal kedua, setelah Si Unyil, yang harus berani bersaing dengan antara lain American's Sesame Street yang juga tayang di Indonesia.

Di studio ini bisa disaksikan pengerjaan material pendukung tayangan, seperti panggung berbahan styrofoam yang dicat dengan warna-warna ceria, juga pengerjaan program televisinya. Panggung dibuat dengan beberapa baris untuk memberi ruang bagi talent untuk lalu lalang memeragakan aksi para boneka. Mereka mencampurkan warnanya sendiri dari tiga warna primer dan menghasilkan paduan warna dan terapan gradasinya untuk memberi kesan semakin hidup.


Sekadar informasi, setiap hari Selasa mereka menerima kunjungan murid-murid sekolah. Murid-murid cilik ini diajak bernyanyi dan mendengar cerita-cerita, dan bahkan dilibatkan dalam rekaman tayangan panggung bonekanya. Silakan hubungi mereka untuk penjadwalan kunjungan murid-murid anda. Continue >>

Friday, June 27, 2008

Dino Disappointment

Ingin mengetahui secara lebih dekat mahkluk raksasa dinosaurus yang pernah tampil di film trilogi Jurassic Park? Anda tak perlu bingung mencarinya. Soalnya, 31 dinosaurus Jurassic Park yang didatangkan langsung dari Universal Studios di Amerika Serikat (8 dari Jepang) itu singgah ke Indonesia. Robot-robot raksasa yang telah punah itu hadir di Plaza Tenggara Senayan mulai 21 Juni hingga 20 Juli mendatang.


Namun sebaiknya jangan terlalu berharap banyak dari Dino Summer Holiday. Ketika berkunjung hari Minggu lalu, saya menyayangkan beberapa detil penyelenggaraan (mari tak perlu sungkan berdalih, manusia tiada yang sempurna). Beberapa hal tersebut antara lain adalah: penataan di lokasi dino yang kurang rapi dan pencahayaan yang bisa lebih baik. Detil AC yang kokoh mencuri perhatian, perangkat mekanik yang mnyertai robot juga kurang indah tersamarkan. Harapan untuk mendapati suasana masa lalu yang gelap dramatis jadi agak terganggu. Apalagi ditunjang para presenter yang terasa kurang berkarakter dan luwes dalam memperkenalkan dino-dino itu. Heran, apakah tidak ada standarisasi penyajian, atau hanya saya yang berharap berlebihan?


Lalu penjagaan kebersihan di lokasi, terutama di area makan (bo, please deh, sampah is everywhere!). Walaupun ini juga berkenaan dengan mental para pengunjung yang membuang sampah sembarangan, tapi ada baiknya ini diantisipasi sejak awal. Entah kenapa saya juga merasa penataan booth dari pintu masuk menuju lokasi kandang dino juga terlalu jarang, sehingga kesannya kosong. Akibatnya (akibat?), floor covering carpet-nya jadi terlihat dikerjakan asal. Ketidak siapan lain adalah Simulator Dino juga belom beroperasi, karena dalam tempelan tulisan-tangan dinyatakan belum siap (mungkinkah ini harus dimaklumi, karena saya mengunjungi di hari kedua, pada tanggal 22/6?).

Beberapa detil lain yang juga patut dipertimbangkan sebelum mengajak putra-putri tercinta mungkin bisa dilihat di sini. Bila tanpa rabat, harga karcis masuk adalah Rp 150ribu. Bagaimanapun, setidaknya anak-anak punya pilihan acara liburan, dan Jakarta kita semakin 'hidup'.

•Terima kasih foto-fotonya, Yunus. Continue >>

Mall Holiday ‘08

Time of the year to host relatives arriving from Kampung! School holiday festivities is in in the capital. Going to the next grade or not, it is time for most children to have fun (on their own way). Some parents showing their relieve-faces for knowing that school these days is not mentioning ranking in the students report. No secret that student’s achievement is parent’s pride.

So, many choices to visit this time, include shopping malls have their holiday program: Marvel’s heroes characters conquering Grand Indonesia (plus the NewYork NewYork hourly show!), Japanese Doraemon showcasing in Plaza Semanggi, giant Panda Po of Kungfu Panda (looks so real!) does Mal Ciputra Jakarta, etc. Pretty impressive work of artistic teams out there. Should you interested to visit and have some poses with your cam-phone, it turned out to be a trend. “So ordinary people style,” remember San Chai. It’s cheap, though you will spend some for meals or coffees. Indeed it is so Jakarta, that you don’t have to break your belief for not to be exposed under the sun.


While you're at the mall, why don’t you watch a movie? My recommendation for the kids are: Kung Fu Panda and Incredible Hulk of course. You wouldn't think Dewi Persik suit to their need, right? And for you, err … Sex and the City? I think so, you will love Carrie even better in her Vivienne Westwood. For sure it means to treat your eyes and soul. Oh well, at least I do. It is a feels good hollywood movie.

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Some Unspoken Guidance

(If there is any)
• Right now, the most fashion-forward suit is double-breasted. But this is not a suit for a man who’s heavy or short. Most guys look best in a two-button suit with a bit of definition in the waist.
• A nice suit is important, but a well-done jacket is the most essential part of a man’s wardrobe. A good fit in the shoulder is, to me, crucial.

• It’s okay to wear jeans at the office. You can wear them with nobility. If you’re a junkie, you can wear a suit and you’ll still look like a junkie.
• I don’t like jeans—I love them. I like slim-cut jeans, and at the moment I like them dark and clean, like tailored trousers.
• You should have a wardrobe of jeans in different washes and fits—from the pair that’s so comfortable you could work out in them to the pair that you can wear with a tie and a sports jacket to dinner.

• I wear my hair short. Guys shouldn’t spend a lot of money on a haircut.
• Hair loss is a dilemma for a lot of men. But guys look better with a little hair. If you’re losing yours, keep it short, but don’t shave it all off. You have to have a beautifully shaped head to go shaved.

Facial Hair
• Some men look great unshaven; others just look like they forgot to shave. Beards and mustaches can be really distinctive if you go for an earthy, rock-and-roll look like the Kings of Leon or the Killers.
• Facial hair doesn’t work if a man takes himself too seriously. But on somebody lighthearted, who could take it or leave it, it’s cool—like Leo DiCaprio. I’ve personally never done the facial-hair thing.

• I like high-quality, classic shoes like loafers or wing tips with a twist. What’s not good is anything trendy—pointy-toed, square-toed, toes that turn up, intentional scuffing, and anything that looks plastic.

• Scent is very important. Strong fragrances suit some men, while citrus types suit others.
• Smell is important. I love perfume, but the moment that you can smell it from far away, I don’t like it anymore. It has to be discreet.

• True luxury is about the best of everything. Don’t cut back on the little things - great coffee, a good novel, a wonderful aftershave.
• I don’t see anything strange about a man going to a spa for a treatment. Personal hygiene is important. I like people to be clean.
• Don’t wear black underwear. Black is the absence of light, and hygienically it’s bad. White is the best.

• Honestly, I think if I, men get older and a little gray but really take care of themselves, they can still look good. They don’t need to have anything done. Some women need a little cutting, though.
• As men age, it’s more sensible to go for an elegant and understated look. But they have the advantage that they can do the rugged thing.

Packing Tips
• My advice to men is to pack a capsule wardrobe: a few suits, a pair of casual trousers, and then tops and accessories for changes—ties, belts, watches, shoes. Continue >>

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Male Fool-proof Style-tricks

It is not easy actually to be a man in general, when we need some references on fashion. Perhaps many wants to be acceptable, without getting too edgy or too nerdy weird. Below are some tricks worth to mind.
• The first impression that you have of a man is his face, but there are a lot of factors that define an attractive person. I think that personality, education, and attitude are most important in the end. You can get bored by a pretty face.
• You’ve got to be honest about your body. Anyway, unless they’re groupies, girls like guys who look like they have more substance than style.
• A man can wear elements from the runway—fur, moccasins, shorts—if he does it with confidence. If he is a funny person, he can wear fur. Why not? But a man who forces himself to try that is making a mistake.
• It’s a sign of insecurity if you’re overdressed.
• The three biggest fashion mistakes are cheap suits, shoes, and shirts. Spend your money on something good.
• I don’t like it when men purposely dress incorrectly at a formal event. When it’s black tie, I dress black tie. But I give it my own personal twist.
• Listen to what other people are saying about the way you dress, because in the end, fashion is a way of communicating. When you get your message wrong, it’s good that the people around you let you know.
• But the biggest mistake a man can make when dressing is following other people’s advice. It’s up to him. Even if he ends up badly dressed, if he’s happy, it’s okay.
• I was brought up wearing preppy clothes and I always went back to them. Preppy is the easiest way to dress. When in doubt, wear a button-down shirt, a V-neck sweater, a blazer, and a pair of jeans—it’s foolproof.
• Before leaving the house, take a look in the mirror. Make sure there’s no food in your teeth and your zipper is up. A lot of people don’t take the time to do that.

Being Comfort
• Usually we dress comfortably when we are at home, when we are in private. I don’t split those moments—it’s always about comfort.
• I don’t understand why everybody thinks that dressing casually is so much more comfortable. I’m as comfortable in a suit as I am in anything else.
• If you see something you like, it doesn’t matter whether it’s out of fashion. I’ve bought things when they were out of style and I was very proud to wear them. If you like foie gras, you wouldn’t not eat it because it’s out of fashion.
• Kids should be dressed as kids, not as little grown-ups.
• It’s all about the silhouette in the end. I’m wearing a shorter, skinnier jacket these days. But if you like yourself to look nice and chunky, like a hamburger, perfect.
• You shouldn’t have a completely vintage look. Fashion has to move forward. We can’t live in the past. Continue >>

Stage Statement

Haus gunjingan? Boleh deh nih, untuk memajukan gosip lokal di kancah dunianya-neng-maya. Masih dari acaranya media launch Majibrown, ada pose rumpi Noni Chirilda. Siapa yang gamau diajak berkasak-kusuk coba!?


Ada juga Anissa Tri Hapsari dengan kerudung yang baru dipakai dua minggu. Oh tapi percaya deh (berhubung gue juga ga ngelihat dengan mata kepala sendiri), katanya Anissa juga rambutnya dicat warna coklat (yang latte apa espresso ya?). Hehe penting ga sih? Yang jelas, menurut pengakuan di atas panggung, biar hanya suaminya saja yang menikmati. Dia ini istrinya Sultan Jorghi 'kan? Hallaahhh... Continue >>

Menyamarkan Uban

Menyamarkan uban dengan gaya? Bisa, salah satunya dengan Majibrown yang sekarang hadir dengan tiga menu (warna kopi) baru: ada Latte, Cappucino, dan Espresso. Majibrown akan menaikkan warna uban menjadi lebih gelap dan memberi warna untuk rambut alami sekaligus, tanpa membuat tampak kaku. Teknologi lift up dan tone down Majibrown akan menaikkan warna kehitaman asli menjadi cokelat fashion, dengan kepekatan yang tak rata pada bagian beruban dan tidak. Pokoknya, Majibrown ini kabanya dirancang untuk karakter lebih beragam bagi berusia matang atau 30+ tahun. Mau coba? Photo: model dalam media launch Majibrown, Selasa 24 Juni 2008. Make up: Lancome, Gown: Maliq Mustaram.


Kata Alexander Sriewijono (betul, psikolog yang itu tuh), yang di Grand Melia tadi dipandu sama Ivy Batuta,
"Kenyataan adalah persepsi yang kita jadikan nyata oleh anggapan kita sendiri. Persepsi berada di dalam pilihan Anda, dan akan mempengaruhi pemikiran Anda sendiri. Pilihan ada di tangan Anda untuk sudah merasa tua atau tetap merasa muda. Anda tetap dapat merasa muda, berapapun usia Anda."


Buat kamu yang berasal dari generasi sebelumnya, hehe, ini juga ada beberapa model yang kemarin sempat bercokol di panggung lagi. Ada Ira Duati, Dwi Jana, Sari, dan Noni Chirilda juga. Ada juga yang lain yang juga duduk di panggung. Lihat aja.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Call of Consistency

Although only the dead can be consistent in any case, once Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe said, woman is just looking for a consistent man. Let's agree though for this point: people need consistency in their lives, however. At least, some of us want things to work the same way every time they happen. When we wake up in the morning we want to find the floor under our feet, the sun above our heads, and coffee in our cups. And just as we expect these kinds of physical consistency, we also expect psychological consistency. If we had marriages, families, and jobs yesterday, we expect to find them today in pretty much the same condition.

With that, I plan to be consistence, at least in sharing things with you all. Right, was for sometimes neglecting you, I know. However, it is hard to say it would be daily, but at least I will start it. So ... here I am. Continue >>
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